Saturday, August 10, 2024

This Week in Reading


Archie Free Digital Digest 24 & 25

Brave & the Bold 151

Captain America 100 – 105

Chances Are #1

Dark Spaces: Wildfire 1 – 5

Dennis the Menace Giant 36

Detective Comics 492

Knighted 1 & 5

Nexus: Alien Justice 1 – 3

Pep Digital 18: Beat the Heat

Phantom Force 3

Spidey Super Stories 14

Super Powers (1984) 1 – 5

Vodou Cowboy #1



The Joy Project, by Jeff Spadafora, COMPLETED.

Tarzan at the Earth’s Core, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, COMPLETED.

One Against Herculum, by Jerry Sohl, pages 1 – 41.

Merchant of Alyss, by Thomas Locke, pages 1 – 81.



Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, issue #1.

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